I finally got the chance to clean out my room of all the cereal and other items that I had purchased that were sitting in my room. This included a CVS purchase, the left overs from the 190 cereal box buy, Raisin Bran and fruit snacks and even more Raisin Bran and fruit snacks:
The cereal filled up the trunk of the car:
as well as the back seat:
The food was delivered to the Milpitas Food Pantry which distributes emergency food and offers food assistance to more than 3,200 low and fixed income people. I was able to meet Karen, the director of the food pantry, who was thrilled at the food donation (and insisted on taking a photo of the cereal when I popped the trunk). I explained to her about Penny Experiment and she showed me around and explained how her operation worked:
If you have never taken food to your local food pantry, I encourage you to place it on your list of things to do. Not only will you be helping those in your local community, it will be a wonderful recharge and motivating experience for yourself. I can guarantee that you won’t regret it.
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