Tuesday was the last day to get the great deals that were available at Safeway for the week, and since this week’s pickings look pretty slim, I went for one last shopping run to use up all the rest of the coupons I had. I ended up buying $394.90 worth of food for $19.50 — a savings over the regular retail price of 95%:

I bought the same items I have been purchasing all week. They included 45 boxes of Betty Crocker fruit snacks:

20 bags of Nature Valley nut clusters:

40 boxes of Post Raisin Bran:

5 boxes of Quaker Oat Squares:

All these purchases required 18 trips through the cash register line at four different stores:

As always, I made sure to leave enough items on the shelves so others could also get these great deals if they wanted to and with the store managers permission.
These purchases will be added to the ever growing Penny Experiment food purchased master list. Penny Experiment continues to make small steps toward the goal of $1 million worth of food for food banks. Couponers have purchased $5220.33 worth of food for $382.42 — Only $994,779.67 to go…
4 Responses to Nearly $400 Worth of Food for $20