I needed to make a purchase because the $0.75 off catalina coupons I had gotten on the first day of the Philadelphia cream cheese mini purchase were expiring. I was hoping to use them to get some more great cereal deals, but Safeway hasn’t had much in that area the last two weeks, so I chose the best I could which was CapriSun Sunrise juice. There was a $1 off 1 CapriSun Sunrise juice coupon in the 4/25 SmartSource Sunday newspaper insert and I had 35 of these available to me.

The CapriSun Sunrise boxes were on sale for $1.49 each when you bought 5 of them (this deal is still going on through Tues 5/11). With the coupon it brought each down to $0.49 and then I used the $0.75 off coupons to bring the price down even further. I was able to get all 35 (a regular retail value of $94.15) for $0.98:

There is a student lunch program that Open Heart Kitchen runs that sends meals home with low income students over the weekend and these would work well with those, so I had my dad take them with him when he stopped by the other day since there offices are near his home:

I also was able to get Sunchips and six 10 packs of tortillas for $0.09 using a scrubbing bubbles money making deal. I kept the Sunchips and 1 bag of tortillas, so donated the other 5. That was $11.95 worth of food for $0.09 that I ended up delivering with all the cereal last week.
I have also started a challenge for May where I am trying to eat well on $1 a day. As part of that challenge, I have been donating the excess food to the food banks. That includes the following:
1 can of Pork & Beans (free)
5 boxes of cereal ($0.20)
50 packs of Philadelphia Cream Cheese Minis (free)
4 boxes (small) of Wheat Thins (free)
That was $155.39 worth of food for $0.20 which has also already been delivered. All three of these added together means that $261.49 worth of food was purchased for $2.08for a 99% savings.
All this food will be added to the Penny Experiment food purchased master list. Couponers have now purchased $12,022.55 worth of food for $555.03. This is another small step toward the goal of $1 million worth of food for food banks, and means that there is only $987,977.45 left to go…