It’s always a pleasure to welcome a new super couponer that has decided to participate in Penny Experiment. The latest is Jenny Ward who will be donating the food that she is able to get with her couponing skills to The Woman’s Center of Wake County and Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina. Her first run secured $35.53 worth of food for $5.20 — an 85% savings. The purchase included the following:
2 Smart Start Cereal
1 box Raisin Bran
1 box Lance Peanut Butter Crackers
3 boxes Barilla Pasta
2 boxes Kotex
1 box Chocolate Cheerios
3 boxes Hamburger Helper
2 Aquafresh Toothpaste
Jenny also made a second run securing $52.76 worth of food for 14.44 — a 73% savings. This trip included the following:
2 Smart Start Cereals
1 Raisin Bran extra
2 Healthy Balance Juice
1 Old Orchard Juice
10 Cans Chunk Light Tuna
2 Starkist Tuna Creations
3 Boxes Tuna Helper
2 Progresso Soup
1 Aquafresh (completely free and the women’s center really needs personal care items)
Jenny noted (and can be seen on the receipt) that she returned the Bertolli sauce because she thought the coupon she had was for 1 Bertolli sauce and it was actually for 2 so it wasn’t the deal she thought.
All total, $88.29 worth of food was purchased for $19.64 — a 78% savings. All these purchases will be to the Penny Experiment food purchased master list. Couponers have managed to purchase $1505.06 worth of food for $184.86. This is another small step toward the Penny Experiment goal of $1 million worth of food for food banks, and leaves only $998,494.94 to go…
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