Right after delivering the $1000 of food to the food pantry, I headed straight for the local store to make another purchase. Thanks to all the people that sent in coupons (thank you, thank you, thank you!), I was able to make another frozen food month run and get some great deals which I then delivered to Tri Valley Haven food pantry. I ended up buying $164.51 worth of food for $4.40 — a 97% savings off of regular retail price:

I purchased the following from the frozen food section:
4 Pillsbury Strudel
11 Smuckers Uncrustables
6 Yoplait Smoothies
3 Bertolli Frozen Meals

I also had a $10 off my next purchase coupon expiring, so I also bought the following:
5 Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks
5 Nature Valley Nut Clusters
5 Post Raisin Bran boxes
5 Marie’s Salad Dressing

I then turned around and delivered all this back to Tri Valley Haven food pantry (I didn’t document the delivery because I simply walked in and dropped off the food and was out and back home before I even realized I had forgotten to do so).
This food will be added to the Penny Experiment food purchased master list. As a group, couponers have now purchased $4782.11 worth of food for $358.78. This is another small step toward the goal of getting $1 million worth of food for food banks with only $995,217.89 to go…