Lynn, who writes Maven of Savin’, was able to walk out of her local Stop & Shop this week with 42 boxes of cereal — $147.28 worth of cereal at not cost which will be heading to the Dedham Food Pantry:

She also has very similar views to mine when it comes to getting these deals:
Though I think it is important to get great deals for your family and donate to those who need it, I DO NOT BELIEVE IN BEING SELFISH! I realize that some readers had trouble getting cereal at Stop & Shop this week because some couponers had bought 200 boxes – to donate – but still it made it impossible for other shoppers to get in on the deal. I do not think that is the proper way to coupon or donate – THAT IS MY OPINION ONLY. If you are going to buy that much, you need to work with store management to get a special order!
The cereal will be added to the Penny Experiment food purchased master list (we are beginning to close in on 1000 boxes!) Couponers have now purchased $6513.00 worth of food for $400.27. This is one more small step toward the Penny Experiment goal of $1 million worth of food to food bank and leaves $993,487.00 to go…