Quaker Oatmeal Cereal Coupon: 160 Boxes of Cereal for $1.97

I continue to be the coupon king of cereal (now if I can just learn to expand this to other foods needed by food banks) by utilizing a bunch of rainchecks I received last week. A wonderful reader who wants to stay anonymous said that she could provide me with as many $1 off coupons for Quaker Oatmeal cereal as I needed which were available from a Sunday paper insert a few weeks ago. Safeway had the Quaker Oatmeal cereal on sale for $1 a box last week meaning that the cereal with the coupon was free. Since I couldn’t get the coupons before the sale was over, anytime I went to a Safeway, I checked to see if the Quaker Oatmeal cereal was in stock. If it wasn’t, I asked for a raincheck. This week I took the rainchecks and the coupons to get 155 boxes of Quaker Oatmeal cereal (a $618.45 retail value) for free:

150 boxes of cereal



total savings 100 percent

I also made a trip to CVS where I was able to get 5 large boxes of Multi-Grain Cheerios for $1.97 after coupons and using a raincheck. That meant that all together I purchased $640.90 worth of food for $1.97 and immediately took it to the Milpitas food pantry (since I didn’t feel like living in a room full of cereal again)

Quaker oatmeal cereal trunk

quaker oatmeal cereal car

quaker oatmeal cereal pile

This cereal will be added to the ever growing Penny Experiment food purchased master list. As a group, couponers have been able to purchase $6322.72 worth of food for $402.77. This is another tiny step toward the Penny Experiment goal of $1 million worth of food to food bank and leaves $993,677.28 to go…

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