I had to make a quick trip to Safeway to use some coupons that I had collected over the last couple of weeks for free food that were going to expire. The problem was that I didn’t have any time to get back home to go through the coupons I had and figure out the best deals. So I went couponless and wandered the aisles looking for the best non coupon deal.
My search made it clear that you should always check the expiration date on cans of food before buying them. I loaded up my basket with a bunch of canned beans that were on sale. When I checked the expiration date, I found that all of them were expired including a couple that expired in 2008 (seriously). I took them to customer service and told them they really needed to go through their can good section (even worse, the manager didn’t even seem that concerned).
I finally settled on 11 cans of Dole Pineapple slices (all of which weren’t expired to my relief) and managed to purchase $27.39 worth of food for free:

These cans will be added to the Penny Experiment food purchased master list. Couponers have now purchased $6630.24 worth of food for $408.31. This is another tiny step toward the Penny Experiment goal of $1 million worth of food for food banks and leaves $993,369.76 to go…