I continue to get word that Penny For Your Thought books are being launched. There are still an opportunity to launch a book if interested. The latest book to be launched into the world is book #17:

This is what Nanamom who launched the book had to say:
I am sending 2 pics separately of the “launch” — it had an aborted attempt, but did finally get off the ground today. I had such a hard time deciding where to offer it first; a homeschooling group I am aware of, an adoption group, our church, my son’s Royal Ranger group, possibilities seemed to abound. In the end I decided to ask my husband to take it to work to launch it since I rarely get out lately. The man he gave it too talked it over with his wife and decided they didn’t want to participate. Today I went to a baby shower and passed it to someone I know who felt she could add to it and pass it on. I can’t wait to see if it comes back to you and where it has been in the meantime.
I feel the same way. I am still extremely curious to see how this Penny Experiment works out and how many of the books eventually make their way back to me. I know when the first one does arrive, I will be so excited.