One area that I really need to study up on is the drug store loyalty programs when it comes to getting great deals using coupons. For example CVS Pharmacy has a loyalty program where you can get “Extra Bucks” back on your purchase which you can use toward your next one.
Coo Coo 4 Coupons (Another new couponer that will be helping out with Penny Experiment – be sure to visit her blog to see all the great deals she shares) sent me an email letting me know that she had purchased 4 boxes of SoyJoy bars which were $6 each, but she received $6 in Extra Bucks from CVS for each box she purchased. Since she already had $24 worth of Extra Bucks in her account from previous purchases, she didn’t pay a cent out of pocket and still had the same number of Extra Bucks in her account after the purchase. A pretty neat trick that I want to learn how to do.

That means a $24.00 worth of food donation to her local food bank for $0.00 – kind of hard to beat shopping like that. This purchase will be added to our growing master list of food purchased for Penny Experiment. We are always interested in having more couponers participate and show their couponing skills. There are also plenty of others ways to help if couponing isn’t your thing.
Adding this purchase to all the others, we have now purchased $564.39 worth of food for $50.68. Another baby step toward our goal and $999,437.61 left to go…