I recently took the Kraft cheese (along with a lot of other stuff I had collected from my eating well on $1 a day challenge) to the Milpitas Food Pantry:

Upon delivering the items, Karen (the coordinator of the food bank) said that they were running low on cereal, so I said I would keep a lookout to see if I could find any deals (I buy cereal if I can find it for 90% or more off retail). This week Lucky supermarket was running a special where participating products were priced at $2.77 each. When you purchased 10 items, there was an instant $10.00 savings bringing the price down to $1.77 each. There was also a $10.00 Catalina coupon (those given with your receipt good for anything on your next purchase) when you purchased 10 items bringing the price down to $0.77 each. I had a large number of $1.00 off 2 Kellogg’s Frosted Mini Wheats coupons which brought the price down to $0.27 per item when purchased in groups of 10, or $2.70 for each group of 10 I purchased.

On my first trip I was able to purchase 110 boxes for $29.70:

and then another 190 boxes for $51.30 on a second trip (with my nieces helping to organize the boxes)

In total I purchased 300 boxes of cereal for $81.00 with a retail value of $1347.00, a savings of 94%. All will be added to the growing Penny Experiment food purchased master list. With this latest food, Penny Experiment has purchased $15,124.44 worth of food for $657.06. This is another small step toward the ultimate goal of $1 million worth of food for food banks. There is now only $984,875.56 left to go…
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