115 More Boxes of Cereal Bought & Donated

Safeway continued to have their deal on Fruity and Cocoa Pebbles where you can purchase 5 boxes for $1.50 using coupons from the 3/14 Smartsource newspaper insert (each box was $1.50 when you bought 5, or $7.50. The coupons form the insert reduced the price by $2.00 so the cost was $5.50 and you received a $4.00 catalina coupon which I still had from the previous purchases to bring the price down to $1.50). This makes for a 92% discount on the cereal.

Since I had a pile of these inserts I had collected, I called the Milpitas Food Pantry to ask Karen if she interested in them since they are sugar cereals. Karen said she would be happy to get her hands on anything she could get so I went this morning and bought the boxes I could which ended up being 115 before I ran out of coupons (Karen said that those boxes won’t even last a week). I was able to get $435.85 worth of food for $34.50.

I ended up getting done early enough to make a trip to the food bank and deliver them as well (I still have the food from the previous trip which I will take to another food bank next week). I did this so I could avoid unloading and reloading the car:


trunk full of cereal

Because I could only buy 5 boxes at a time to make the transaction work (If I bought more than 5, I would still only get a $4 catalina coupon back), I had to make 23 trips through the checkout line doing the exact same deal:

23 receipts

receipt closeup

Once we unloaded the boxes, the volunteers immediately began boxing them for storage:

organizing cereal

This will be added to the Penny Experiment food purchased master list. The combined effort of all the couponers has been able to purchase $8009.87 worth of food for $482.56. Penny Experiment continues to take small steps toward the goal of $1 million worth of food for food banks and with only $991,990.13 left to go…

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