Items Donated:
Cinnamon Toast Crunch (120)
FrankenBerry (60)
Where: Local Church Food Pantry
Spent: -$128.00
Retail: $604.80
Sehra had this to say: The Cinnamon Toast Crunch was found on sale at one Hy vee for 2.50 a box but normally retails at $3.79 which was used to calculate the total retail value along with $2.50 for the assorted Monster Cereals.
The $128 wasn’t included in the total because that food made it into my pantry instead, which was greatly in need since my boyfriend and I are struggling college students.
We spent most of the overages on organic fruits and vegetables that we stored in our freezer along with other non perishable items that would easily store.
This deal was made possible through General Mills where you buy 6 boxes of cereal and receive $10 off instantly in addition to a $6 Catalina on your next order. Using our computers at school to print off a .65/1 Cinnamon Toast Crunch coupon and a 1/3 any cereal coupon we did this deal a total of 30 times by taking our receipts and price matching at other local Hy vees. Thus, Cinnamon Toast Crunch made us $4.90 per transaction and the Monster Cereals made us $3.00 per transaction.
This is the second time they’ve done this amazing deal and I can only hope they keep doing it in the future. I’m hoping other students start realizing the potential of campus computer’s. If you know any students be sure to spread the word about the good they could be doing!
Most of the cereal has already made it’s way to people’s kitchens but here’s a picture of some still left over (my entire kitchen was filled to the brim for a while). Also pictured are two sample receipts of the transactions.